Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Oil in a Blender

Well well well....

Firstly hello....

So after all the shit that went down, I can't wait to learn from the events that occurred, realise what has happened is NOT my fault, and start to focus on the future.

First step, try to get a good nights sleep, really world, if I could only need 5 hours of decent sleep, nothing worse than your mind working over and over and over about shit that is beyond control or comprehension.

Next, enjoy time with the whanau. One tired, and recently, under appreciated wife who has been there supporting me (and the family), time for me to look after her, and two energetic, impressionable girls, with bundles of energy looking for escape.

Then its on to me, refocus and rebuild.  I get an opportunity to really decide where all this is going, what I am going to do about it.  First step (after watching river cottage) the sourdough is being resurrected. I'll let you know who it turns out....

To sum up. Life at the moment is like a mayonnaise in the blender, too much oil (crap/ill/heavy/tasteless sludge/comments/feeling) has been added and is on the verge of splitting, time to readjust.

Cook well, eat well, and leave the cleaning up to someone else.

1 comment:

  1. Wowee Logan! Way to go! Love it love it! Onwards and upwards mate it's the only way to go, and yes focus on whats important, "Nothing Else Matters". Oh I think someone else already wrote that song lol!
